woensdag 17 december 2008

A healthier life thanks to Alpro!

Good nutrition determines the way you live and how you feel. The products of Alpro Soya contain a lot of health benefits, which help you to live the life you want. Products produced by Alpro are naturally low in saturated fat is “bad” because it causes a higher cholesterol level and increases your weight. Not every type of fat is bad, on the contrary, soya contains omega 3 and 6, two so-called “good” fats which are good for your health. During the production process, none of the goodness of the soya bean is changed. Use every day an Alpro product to reduce your cholesterol level and live much quieter.

Nathan Braeckmans

Source: www.alprosoya.com

maandag 15 december 2008

What about plastics?

Fewer trucks on the road and Tetra Paks for beverage products are two earlier mentioned efforts of Alpro Soya to maintain a good relationship with Mother Nature, but Alpro’s green approach can also be found in the plastics they use. Thanks to their technique of adding a recyclable wrap-around with a simple tear-off line to their 500g yogurt pot, Alpro made it easy for you to open it. Next to that, this technique allows them to make the pot of 20% less plastic! Other products they offer, like their 4x125g yogurts and desserts also have the 100% recyclable wrap-around sleeve. Because engineers at Alpro think before they act, a lot less plastic is needed in our world and the recycle process becomes a lot easier because all materials can be split up. Alpro Soya has been praised for the efforts made by winning the Grocer Gold Awards 2008 as “Green Supplier of The Year”.

Tim De Baets


vrijdag 12 december 2008

Alpro's assortment

When people hear the name Alpro Soya, they often just think of the flavoured soy drinks. But Alpro Soya stands for a lot more. The assortment ranges from desserts to single cream alternatives. One of the company’s best selling products is tofu. Tofu is a substitute for meat, often used in vegetarian recipes. The production of tofu from soy milk is similar to the production of cheese from milk. It has very little flavour on its own, so Alpro Soya offers two varieties: natural and spicy. As you can see the company makes a lot of effort to offer their customers healthy but still tasty products.

Helena De Bruycker

Production steps

Once the soybeans are harvested and brought to Alpro Soya’s production units in Belgium, France and the UK, the beans are cleaned in a grain bin. Then the beans are steamed and split in half. This loosens the outer skin of the bean. The hulls are removed and are used to make cattle fodder. Next the de-hulled soybeans are cooked, using pressure, water and high temperature, to counteract a specific enzyme that makes them indigestible to humans. Afterwards fresh water is added and the soft beans are milled into microscopic parts. This results in white slurry from which we separate the pulp, leaving us soy milk.

De Bruycker Helena

dinsdag 9 december 2008

The unique and natural production process of soymilk

The Alpro extraction process is natural and mechanical so all the healthy power of the soybeans are fully preserved. The result is a natural, pure, chemical-free soymilk, which is used to make tasty products. The process begins with the selection of the finest, non GM(genetically modified) soybeans. These are cleaned and dehulled mechanically. After which, they are soaked for a while in pure water. Then they are mixed with fresh water and grounded in microscopic particles. Once all nutrients have been released in the water, the pulp is filtered out and pure soymilk is obtained. Calcium, cane sugar and natural flavours are added and the product is reheated very short time at UHT (ultra high temperature). This all in order to obtain a healthy product , in which all valuable components from the soybean are preserved.

Magali Deryckere


maandag 8 december 2008

By ship from all over the world to the factories of Alpro

The soybeans have to be imported from all over the world to Europe. They are shipped to Belgium, more specifically to Antwerp. From there, till now the beans have been transported by trucks to Wevelgem, where you can find the biggest factory of Alpro. The company however is planning to bring the beans by barge through inland waterways as this is less polluting. Thanks to this waterway transport, there will be 4000 trucks less on the highways in Belgium. Similar processes are also applied in the two other factories of Alpro, which are situated respectively in Issenheim(France) and in Kettering(UK). So Alpro brings the soybeans on the most environment friendly way to their factories.
Magali Deryckere

zondag 7 december 2008

A fair relationship with the farmers

The base of the Alpro product is the soya bean. In that way, it is important to have a good relationship with the farmers who provide Alpro with those beans. There is a direct contact between the growers and the company. By that, Alpro has a greater control over the beans and can give the farmers a better price. This cooperation results in an advantageous situation for both parties interested. On the one hand, Alpro ensures that they get the best beans. On the other hand, the growers receive a price above the market prices. Furthermore, Alpro offers their growers a long-term contract, making the farmers less vulnerable to one bad harvest. That is why Alpro is a fair company!

Nathan Braeckmans

Source: www.alprosoya.com

Fresh, tasty & green

Getting Alpro Soya products fresh and tasty on your kitchen table is one thing, but can it also be done environment friendly? Alpro Soya proves you it can be. For the packaging of their beverage products they use Tetra Pak, which has the lowest carbon footprint of any rigid beverage packs. The reason for this result is the fact that Tetra Pak is made of environment friendly materials, without harmful substances being added during the production process. Another asset is that when you throw away the Tetra Pak, it can be recycled. Thanks to Tetra Pak everybody’s happy: customers, the company itself ánd mother nature.

Tim De Baets

source : http://www.alprosoya.com/

vrijdag 5 december 2008

Alpro with respect for mother nature

Nature is for Alpro Soya a source for their beans, what means that they have to respect nature with a view to a long-term alliance, which they do. Alpro produces their soya in the most natural way possible, without any genetical modification. So is for example every soya bean produced on a non-deforested farm where the natural crap rotation is respected. To guarantee this, Alpro uses a traceability programme. Alpro’s ethical code makes sure that every step of the production process occurs on a correct way. At every level, the highest standards are reached and ensured by a number of controls. All this because of one objective: the healthiest product possible.

Nathan Braeckmans


woensdag 3 december 2008

The beginning of each Alpro Soya product…

The base of each product made by Alpro soya are of course the soybeans! Soybeans are also named ‘the meat of the soil’, thanks to their richness of proteins and their nutritional benefits. The ones used by Alpro, are principally the “yellow beans”, because they contain proteins of the best quality. These plants grow in a hot and humid climate during a period of 100 to 200 days. They reach a height of 80 cm and have little white and purple flowers, whose pods are containing 1 to 4 soybeans. The company gets its soybeans supply from farms in China, the south of Brasil, Canada and Hungary . None of the beans come from land which was cleared from the Rainforest (like the Amazon), which is an important fact for the sustainable development policy of Alpro!

Magali Deryckere


maandag 1 december 2008

Alpro on the road

If you ever get stuck in a traffic jam, you can’t blame Alpro Soya. The packaging materials needed in their production process, arrive to them in reels that they then form into cartons and fill with Alpro Soya. With this method one truck can carry the packaging for about one million 1 litre cartons. If they preferred to use glass bottles, they would need 50 trucks to supply one million 1 litre glass bottles. Thanks to their wise decision, Alpro saves nearly 10,000 trucks on our roads every year! On top of that fewer trucks mean less carbon dioxide, so reduced global warming is another result of their effort.

Tim De Baets

source: www.alprosoya.com

zondag 30 november 2008

What is soy milk?

Soy milk is a high protein, iron-rich milky beverage made from soy beans. It is produced by soaking dry soy beans and grinding them with water. White soy milk resembles cow's milk but in fact differs from it in a number of ways. Not only is it higher in proteins and iron, it is also cholesterol-free, low fat and low sodium. Natural soy milk, however, contains little calcium and must be enriched with calcium when replacing cow milk. Some people, who aren’t used to drinking soy milk, do not enjoy the taste of original soy milk, so Alpro soya offers flavoured soy drinks. Often added flavours are chocolate, vanilla or strawberry. Alpro soya’s products are therefore a healthy and delicious alternative.

Helena De Bruycker

Source: www.alprosoya.com